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Showing posts with the label Porn

Mummy Porn??!!!

Mummy porn or Fifty Shades of Shite?  It's never going to win the Pulitzer Prize (nor am I!), nor is a great work of literary fiction but it's the fastest selling book...ever!  Beyond Harry Potter and the DaVinci code this book has got our nation of women chattering, reading and debating. Fifty Shades of Grey has taken the nation by storm. Hmmmm...are we repressed or do we just like crap books?  To be honest I can't understand what the fuss is all about.  I know I'm going to get a slating here but after reading the first few chapters I've put it down and can't be bothered to pick it up again. Sam Brick ("godI'msobeautifuleveryonehatesme") is at it again but this time I kind of agree with her.   "Giving it this name of mummy porn, using this kind of safe, middle-class word, makes women think it's okay to read it." Read more: